徒然狸 -タヌキの日記-


about Dream

I had a dream.
In my company, my colleague was battling crows.
He said “save our products!”
So, I battled crows too.
In the next breath, I waked up.
Unfortunately, I saw a shadow like a crow in a dark.
I attacked to the shadow, but it was a wall.
I attacked to the wall. Now my hand hurt.

By the way, I love oneiromancy…
What is this word (English dictionally showed)?
I mean “dream divination”.

And I love the dream divination by Gucchan.
Its very simple web divination service, but it often shows my truth.
The Gucchan divination said, “Your dream shows your bad fortune. You will meet a heavy trouble”.

I will stay in my bed on this weekend.


A raccoon dog's diary


